Vincent Nowaczewski

Ph.D. Geology 2024, University of Cincinnati
M.Sc. Geology 2011, The University of Kansas
B.Sc. Geology 2009, Lake Superior State University
Research Interests
- Sedimentary tectonics
- Intracratonic deformation
- Basin analysis
- Stratigraphy/Sedimentology
- Invertebrate Paleontology/Biostratigraphy
My research addresses the sedimentary tectonics of late Paleozoic North America. Currently, I explore the linkages between intracratonic deformation and sedimentation in North America with the dynamics of continental plate boundaries during the assembly of Pangaea. I work to understand these linkages with a combination of numerical modeling, field mapping, and laboratory methods.
Courses Taught
- GEOL 1350: Natural Disasters
- GEOL 3500/5500: Stratigraphy/Sedimentology
- GEOL 5640: Regional Tectonics
Professional Appointments
- Aug 2024 - present, Assistant Professor of Instruction
- 2011 - 2019, Petroleum Geologist
Representative Publications
Nowaczewski, V. S., Sturmer, D. M., & Vaughan, B. L. (2024). The impact of continental shape in 3D geomechanical models of ancient orogenic belts: An example from the Ancestral Rocky Mountain orogeny. Journal of Structural Geology, 182, 105115.
- American Association of Petroleum Geologists
- Geological Society of America
- Nevada Petroleum and Geothermal Society
- Society of Economic Geologists
- The Paleontological Society