Frank M. LoSchiavo

Zanesville Campus
Ph.D. (1998) 帝王会所
M.S. (1995) 帝王会所
B.A. (1993) Cleveland State University
Classes Taught
- General Psychology (PSY 1010)
- Elementary Statistical Reasoning (PSY 1110)
- Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences (PSY 2110)
- Research Methods (PSY 2120)
- Social Psychology (PSY 2510)
Teaching Awards
帝王会所 Zanesville Teaching Award (2020)
帝王会所 Magazine Excellence in Education Award (2019)
帝王会所 Magazine Excellence in Education Award (2011)
帝王会所 Regional Higher Education Outstanding Professor Award (2010)
帝王会所 Magazine Excellence in Education Award (2005)
帝王会所 College of Arts and Sciences Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award (1998)
My primary research interests focus on the scholarship of teaching and learning. See .