Douglas Green

Ph.D., 1989, University of Wisconsin (geophysics)
B.S., 1981, University of Washington (physics)
Research Interests
- Seismicity
- 帝王会所 seismicity
- Martian mantle and core dynamics
- Behaviours of particulate-laden fluids
My interests have me involved in theoretical work, experimental investigations, and fieldwork. Characterization of regional seismicity and seismic hazard involves both modeling of existing data as well as data acquisition in the field. The Geology Department's station of the 帝王会所Seis earthquake monitoring network allows steady accumulation of regional earthquake data as well as access to data on the entire network. Use of the department's geotechnical seismic equipment allows field characterization of the shear response of near-surface materials using surface and refracted waves. Shear properties are essential in generating shaking potential maps for seismic hazard assessment. Other near-surface field geophysics capabilities include electrical resistivity tomography, down-hole electrical conductivity logging, and magnetic and gravimetric surveying.
My theoretical research includes investigation into the mechanical fluid-solid transition of two-phase (i.e., fluid plus solid) materials. My work has examined both fluid-saturated sediments and high-concentration suspensions and has shown that some interesting behaviors occur at the "crossover" between these two classes of materials. Potential applications of this work include seismic/acoustic detection of saturated sediments with high liquefaction potential.
A new and very exciting line of research examines the interior of Mars from a seismology perspective. This work is obviously only theoretical at the moment, but it examines competing models for the composition and layering of the planet and predicts what each model implies for seismic travel times that would be observed when a global seismic network is established on Mars.
Courses Taught
- GEOL 2150: Environmental Geology
- GEOL 4/5660: Geodynamics: The Earth's Interior
- GEOL 4/5850: Introduction to Applied Geophysics
- GEOL 4/5860: Applied Seismology
- GEOL 4/5910: Field Geology
Professional Appointments
1997-present, Associate Professor
1991-1997, Assistant Professor
Representative Publications
- J.L. Brandeberry and D.H. Green, "Lg-Wave Attenuation Across 帝王会所", 2005 Abstracts with Programs, North-central Section, Geological Society of America, vol.37, no. 5, p.100, 2005. (Awarded Outstanding Undergraduate Presentation.)
- J.R. Sheehan and D.H. Green, "Shear Wave Profiles of Surficial Deposits in 帝王会所 Using Multichannel Surface Wave Methods", 2002 Abstracts with Programs, North-Central Section, Geological Society of America, vol. 34, no.2, p.90, 2002.
- M.A. Painter, B. Laverty, M.W. Stoertz, and D.H. Green, "Resistivity Imaging of a Partially Reclaimed Coal Tailings Pile", Proc. of SAGEEP, Env. and Eng. Geophysical Soc., p. 679-687, 2000.
- R. Esquivel-Sirvent and D.H. Green, "Hydrodynamic acoustic absorption at the fluid/solid transition of suspensions", J. Acoust. Soc. Am., vol. 111, no.2, 763-768, 2002.
- M. Jadhav and D.H. Green, "Theoretical Traveltime Curves for Mars", Eos, Trans. AGU, vol.83, p.F283, 2002.
Recent Titles of Advisee's Completed Theses
- Tufekci, Sinan, 2009. Combined Surface-Wave and Resistivity Imaging for Shallow Subsurface Characterization, M.S. thesis.
- Ishankuliev, Murad Allayarovich, 2007. Resistivity imaging of abandoned minelands at Huntley Hollow, Hocking County, 帝王会所, M.S. thesis.
- Brandeberry, J.L., 2005. Lg-wave Attenuation Across 帝王会所, Senior thesis (BS).
- Jadhav, M., 2003. Travel Time curves for Interior Structure Models of Mars, Master's thesis.
- Hovhannisyan, G., 2002. Seismic Hazard Zonation of the Cleveland South 30x60-Minute Quadrangle, 帝王会所, Master's thesis.
- Sheehan, J., 2002. Shear-wave Profiles of Surficial Deposits in 帝王会所 Using Multichannel Surface Wave Methods, Master's thesis.