Claudia Gonz谩lez Vallejo

Dr. Gonz谩lez Vallejo is serving as Program Director in the Decision, Risk, and Management Sciences, Division of Social and Economic Sciences, Directorate for Social, Behavioral, and Economic Sciences of the National Science Foundation.
Recent News
- Gonz谩lez Vallejo brings her policy expertise to role as NSF program director
- Gonz谩lez Vallejo in the 帝王会所 Experts Directory
MIA (1994) Columbia University, New York
Ph.D. (1992) University of North Carolina, Chapel-Hill
Curriculum Vitae [pdf]
Research Areas
- Social Judgment & Behavioral Decision Making
- Quantitative - Cognitive
Judgment and Decision Making Laboratory
Research Interests
Dr. Gonzalez-Vallejo鈥檚 research focuses on understanding how people make decisions as well as on the factors that affect people's judgments. She is primarily interested in choice behavior (preferences). Her work on choice behavior uses a stochastic model that she developed to investigate how individuals make trade-offs among characteristics of the options to be selected.
For example, many products may be described in terms of their quality and their price. Because typically higher quality also implies higher price, the decision will not be an easy one. How do individuals resolve the conflict inherit in choosing? What affects the consistency of decision-making? How do people perceive changes in attribute values as a function of the context? How does persuasion affect the evaluation of objects to determine a final choice? Some of the basic notions in this research program are also applied to consumer and medical decision-making situations. Current research is also exploring money-time tradeoffs, attitude changes and models of information updating, nutritional judgments and health. Dr. Gonzalez-Vallejo also is very interested in construct validity and philosophy of science more generally. This interest has led her to question the role of unconscious processing as defined and tested by current psychological research.
Recent Peer-Reviewed Publications
JL Harman, JM Weinhardt, C Gonzalez-Vallejo, JB Vancouver Current Psychology, 1-8, 2020
BD Merillat, C Gonz谩lez-Vallejo Nutrients 12 (2), 394, 2020
Waiting in intertemporal choice tasks affects discounting and subjective time perception. P Xu, C Gonz谩lez-Vallejo, B Vincent Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 2020
BD Merillat, C Gonz谩lez-Vallejo The 帝王会所 Journal of Science 119 (2), 79-91, 2019
J Cheng, C Gonz谩lez-Vallejo Acta psychologica 190, 199-216, 2018
KA Carter, C Gonz谩lez-Vallejo Appetite 125, 512-526, 2018
P Xu, C Gonz谩lez-Vallejo, J Weinhardt, J Chimeli, F Karadogan Memory & cognition 46 (2), 298-314, 2018 Action dynamics in intertemporal choice reveal different facets of decision process
Xu, P., Gonz谩lez-Vallejo, C., & Vincent, B. T. (2020). . Journal of experimental psychology. General.
Cheng, J., & Gonz谩lez-Vallejo, C. (2018). Unpacking decision difficulty: Testing action dynamics in Intertemporal, gamble, and consumer choices. Acta psychologica, 190, 199-216.
Carter, K. A., & Gonz谩lez-Vallejo, C. (2018). Nutrient-specific system versus full fact panel: Testing the benefits of nutrient-specific front-of-package labels in a student sample. Appetite, 125, 512-526.
Xu, P., Gonz谩lez-Vallejo, C., Weinhardt, J., Chimeli, J. & Karadogan, F. (2018). Use of the familiarity difference cue in inferential judgments, Memory &Cognition, 46(2),298-314.
Cheng, J. & Gonz谩lez-Vallejo, C. (2017) Action dynamics in intertemporal choice reveal different facets of decision process. Journal of Behavioral Decision Making, 30(1), 107-122. doi: 10.1002/bdm.1923. (IF 2014: 2.526).
Gonz谩lez-Vallejo, C., Lavins, B. D., & Carter, K. (2016). Appetite, 105, 71-84.
Xu, P., Gonz谩lez-Vallejo, C. & Xiong, C. H. (2016). Motivation & Emotion, 1-13.
Cheng, J. & Gonz谩lez-Vallejo, C. (2016). Decision, Jan 18, 2016.
Cheng, J. & Gonz谩lez-Vallejo, C. (2015). Journal of Behavioral Decision Making, doi: 10.1002/bdm.1923.
Gonz谩lez-Vallejo, C. & Lavins, B. D. (2015). Public Health and Nutrition, 19(06), 1047-1058.
Cheng, J. & Gonz谩lez-Vallejo, C. (2014). . PloS ONE 9(11): e111378. Doi:10.1271/journal.pone.0111378.
Gonz谩lez-Vallejo, C., Stewart, T. R., Lassiter, G. D., & Weindhardt, J. M. (2014). Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 37, 28.
Gonz谩lez-Vallejo, C., Cheng, J., Phillips, N., Chimeli, J., Bellezza, F. S., Harman, J. L., Lassiter, G. D., Lindberg, M. J. (2014). Journal of Behavioral Decision Making, 27, 209-225.
Cheng, J., Lu, Y., Han, X., Gonz谩lez-Vallejo, C., & Sui, N. (2012). Experimental and Clinical Psychopharmacology, 20, 400-409.
Recent Presentations
Carter, K. & Gonz谩lez-Vallejo, C. Nutrient-Specific System v. Full Fact Panel: Examining the Effect of FOP Labels on Nutritional Judgment and Choice. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Society for Judgment and Decision Making, Vancouver, Canada, November, 2017.
Carter, K. & Gonz谩lez-Vallejo, C. Nutrient-Specific System Trumps Full Fact Panel: Understanding Nutritional Judgment Using Lens Model Analysis. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Society for Judgment and Decision Making, Boston, MA, November, 2016.
Kausel, E., Gonz谩lez-Vallejo, C., & Phillips, Nathaniel. Modelling and Testing the Joint Effects of Experience and Descriptions on Judgment and Choice. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Society for Judgment and Decision Making, Boston, MA, November, 2016.
Cheng, J. & Gonz谩lez-Vallejo, C. Unpacking Conflict and Uncertainty in Decision Difficulty: Testing Action Dynamics in Intertemporal Choice, Gamble Choice, and Consumer Choice. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Society for Judgment and Decision Making, Boston, MA, November, 2016.
Xu, P. & Gonz谩lez-Vallejo, C. (2016). The use of familiarity cue: Recognition cue as a sub-set of familiarity difference cue? Poster presented at the Max Planck Summer Institute on Bounded Rationality, Berlin, Germany, May 2016.
Carter, K. A., Gonz谩lez-Vallejo, C., & Lavins, B. (2016). Analysis of nutrition judgments using the nutrition facts panel. Poster presented at the Modern Modeling Methods conference, Storrs, CT, May 2016.
Carlitz, A., Gonz谩lez-Vallejo, C., Kirwen, N., & Xu. P. (2016). Investigating the behavioral differences between described and experienced temporal discounting protocols. Poster presented at the American Psychological Society 28th Annual Convention, Chicago, May 2016.
Gonz谩lez-Vallejo, C., & Cheng, J. Medici贸n de procesos din谩micos pre-decisionales: Diferenciando la dificultad basada en 1) conflicto y en 2) incertidumbre. Pontificia Universidad Cat贸lica de Chile, Departamento de Ingenier铆a Industrial, May 5, 2016.
Gonz谩lez-Vallejo, C., Carter, K. & Lavins. B. Evaluaci贸n de la nutrici贸n percibida por el consumidor en relaci贸n al etiquetado de los productos: Universidad de Chile, Centro de Estudios Cognitivos, April 27, 2016.
Gonz谩lez-Vallejo, C., & Cheng, J. Medici贸n de procesos din谩micos pre-decisionales: Diferenciando la dificultad basada en 1) conflicto y en 2) incertidumbre. Universidad de Chile, Centro de Estudios Cognitivos, April 27, 2016.
Carter, K. A., Alley, R. L., Gonz谩lez-Vallejo, C., & Lavins, B. (2016). A lens model analysis of nutrition judgments. Poster presented at the 帝王会所 Exposition, Athens, OH, April 2016.
Gonz谩lez-Vallejo, C., Carter, K. & Lavins. B. Evaluaci贸n de la nutrici贸n percibida por el consumidor en relaci贸n al etiquetado de los productos: La experiencia en EEUU., Universidad de La Frontera, Escuela de Salud P煤blica, April 15, 2016.
Gonz谩lez-Vallejo, C. & Carter, K. (2015). A Lens Model analysis of individual nutrition judgments: Using the Nutrition Facts Panel. Paper presented at the Subjective Probability, Utility and Decision Making Conference (SPUDM), Budapest, Hungary, August 20, 2015.
Courses Taught
- Multivariate Statistics I
- Advanced Testing Principles
- Judgment and Decision Making
- Introduction to Statistics
- Tests and Measurements
- Human Judgment and Decision Making
- Food Matters: Explorations in Food Across the Liberal Arts (the Psychology of Food Choices module)
Recent Grants
National Science Foundation, Decision, Risk and Management Sciences Program: Modeling the Underlying Dynamic Processes in Motivation and Decision Making: A Parsimonious Self-Regulatory Approach. (with Dr. Jeff Vancouver.) $408,060. August 2009-August 2012.
Graduate Students
Graduate Alumni
- Kristina Carter
- , Chief Behavioral Scientist and CEO of Sentient Decision Science
- Ping Xu