Earth Observation and Geographic Information Science

Associated Faculty
After centuries of ground surveying and paper maps, in just a few decades, geoscientific technologies such as remote sensing, global navigation satellite systems (GNSS), and geographic information systems (GIS) have completely revolutionized how we explore the geography of places, cultures, environments and processes.
Geospatial technology mediated mapping and spatial analysis has become critical in an incredibly wide range of professional and everyday decision making. Be it the prediction of climate change or forest fires, planning a city or modeling its growth, monitoring diffusion of information or disease vectors, tracking terrorists or salmon migration, mapping landforms or tornadoes ? the application of geospatial technologies and spatial analytical methods continues to expand at a phenomenal pace.
Specializing in Earth observation and geographic information science is the ideal choice if you are attracted to the computational aspects of mapping and geographic analysis. Our faculty offer a suite of courses that will make you proficient in the theoretical analysis of geographic information, and the geospatial technologies that support its collection, management, and communication. The department offers multiple pathways to such proficiency: an undergraduate major, an undergraduate certificate, and a graduate certificate in Geographic Information Science.