John P. Garske

Research Areas
- Clinical Psychology
- Adult Clinical
Dr. Garske is not accepting new graduate students.
Research Interests
Dr. Garske has been and is currently involved in the administration of the Psychology Department. He served as Director of Clinical Training from 1988-90 and is currently the Assistant Chair for Graduate Studies. His main area of research is on the characteristics of effective psychotherapeutic interventions and time-limited psychotherapy. He has published articles on the relationship between the therapeutic alliance and treatment outcome. The second edition of his landmark book, Contemporary Psychotherapies: Models and Methods, was published in 2000.
Cohen, D., Ogles, B., & Garske, J. (1994). Personality traits in high school athletes associated with academic achievement. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 26, 156.
Marsden, K., Garske, J., & Ogles, B. (1994). Effects of feedback, gender, and explanatory style on performance and mood in collegiate swimmers. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 26, 190.
Sivec, H. J., Lynn, S. J., & Garske, J. P. (1994). The effect of somatoform disorder and paranoid psychotic role-related dissimulations as a response set on the MMPI-2. Assessment, 1, 69-81.
Kamin, D. K., & Garske, J. P. (1993). Effects of time-limits on the initial therapeutic alliance. Psychological Reports, 72, 443-448.
Zborowski, M. J., & Garske, J. P. (1993). Interpersonal deviance and consequent social impact in hypothetically schizophrenia-prone males. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 102, 482-489.
Courses Taught
- Clinical Psychopathology
- Individual Psychopathology
Recent Grants
Morton Professor, $11,000. (with H. Arkes, J. Arbuthnot) Funding of Psychology Clinic, (PI), 1804 Fund, $40,000, 1994-95