Robin D. Muhammad

Dr. Robin Muhammad is on Faculty Fellowship Leave for academic year 2023-24.
Ph.D. in History from Carnegie Mellon University
M.S. in History and Social Policy from Carnegie Mellon University
B.A. in History and Spanish from the University of California at Davis
Research Interests
As a labor historian, I study workers, their communities and their political institutions. My current research focuses on the history of industrial workers of African descent. My book manuscript, Arsenal of Liberation, is a study of the African American experience in 20th-century California. By focusing on changes in the shipbuilding industry in northern California and the growing African American community, I am able to trace the challenges and limitations of liberal coalitions, technological innovation and federal policy.
Courses Taught
- AAS 1060 Introduction to African American Studies
- AAS 1010 African American History I
- AAS 2020 African American History II
- AAS 2200 Introduction to Black Political Economy
- AAS 2250 History of the Black Worker
- AAS 3680 African American Political Thought
- AAS 369E The Black Press in North America
Arsenal of Liberation: African American Workers and Shipbuilding in the San Francisco Bay Area (book manuscript) Forthcoming
African American History: Volume I (2012) and II (in press) University Readers. Forthcoming
"," Perspectives journal online (
The Encyclopedia of American Populism ABC-CLIO. Entries: Western Alliances and the Colored Farmers' Alliance. Forthcoming
The Encyclopedia of African American History Facts On File. Entries: The Double V Campaign and the March on Washington Movement
Book review: James Pritchard, A Bridge of Ships: Canadian Shipbuilding duringthe Second World War (Kingston: McGill-Queen's University Press, 2011), in Labour/Le Travail (forthcoming issue)
Women in American History: An Encyclopedia. Hasia Diner (ed.). Entry: Black women's clubs
Sociology of Work: An Encyclopedia. SAGE Publication. Entrie: Military; Unskilled work. Forthcoming
"Separate and Unsanitary: African American Women Car Cleaners and the Women's Service Section, 1918-1920," Journal of Women's History 23:2 (Summer 2011)
"Linking Up the Golden Gate: Garveyism in the San Francisco Bay Area, 1915-1925," Journal of Black Studies (November 2008).
Book review: Peter La Chapelle, Proud to Be an Okie: Cultural Politics, Country Music, and Migration to Southern California (Berkeley: University of California Press, 2007), in Labor: Studies in Working-Class History of the Americas 5:2 (Summer 2008), 144-146
Encyclopedia of the Homefront: World I and II published by ABC-CLIO (2006) Contributor of eight entries involving the African American experience.
Selected Grants Awards
Special 1804 Library Endowment - 帝王会所, 2007.Arts and Humanities Junior Faculty Endowment - 帝王会所, 2007.Goldman Award for Excellence in Graduate Teaching 2004. Carnegie Mellon University.Carnegie Scholar, 1996-2000. Carnegie Mellon University.
Selected University Service
Co-chair, MLK Celebration Committee, 2013
Member, University Curriculum Council
Member, Advisory Board for Global Studies Program
Member, Black Alumni Reunion Advisory Committee