Cory Crawford

帝王会所 faculty member since 2010
Harvard University, Ph.D., Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations, 2009.
- Hebrew Bible
- Ancient Near Eastern Iconography
- Ancient Near Eastern Archaeology
- Religion and Material Culture
- Ritual
Courses Taught
- CARS 2400 Introduction to the Study of Religion
- CARS 2050 Archaeology and the Bible
- CARS 2120 Ancient Jerusalem: From Solomon to Suleiman
- CARS 2180 Ancient Near Eastern Art and Architecture
- CARS 2400 Introduction to the Study of Religion
- CARS 3000 The Hebrew Bible
- CARS 3010 New Testament
- CARS 3260 Myth, Ritual, and Symbolism
- CARS 3470 Sex and the Bible
"Between Shadow and Substance: The Historical Relationship of Tabernacle and Temple in Light of Architecture and Iconography [PDF]." Pages 117-33 in Levites and Priests in Biblical History and Tradition. Ancient Israel and Its Literature 9. Edited by Mark Leuchter and Jeremy Hutton. Atlanta: Society of Biblical Literature, 2011.
Review of Mark George, Israel's Tabernacle as Social Space [PDF]. Journal of Religion 91 (2011): 545-46.
"On the Exegetical Function of the Abraham/Ravens Tradition in Jubilees 11 [PDF]," Harvard Theological Review 97 (2004): 91-97.