About the Forensic Chemistry Undergraduate Program

About the FEPAC Accredited B.S. in Forensic Chemistry
- Accreditation
- Alumni
- Employment Data
- Frequently Asked Questions
- James Y. and Harriet Tong Forensic Chemistry Scholarship
- Links
- Mission, Goals, and Objectives
- Student Performance
- Student Retention
Forensic chemistry is the application of chemistry and related sciences to criminal investigation. The program prepares students to work in crime laboratories or other law enforcement agencies, such as FDA, OSHA, and EPA, or for graduate work in forensic chemistry, forensic science or analytical chemistry. The FEPAC-accredited B.S. in Forensic Chemistry degree was created in 1976 by the late , a faculty member in Chemistry & Biochemistry at µÛÍõ»áËù, and it is one of the longest-standing programs of its kind in the country.
The Forensic Chemistry program is accredited by the (AAFS) through the (FEPAC). FEPAC promotes academic quality through formal accreditation of forensic science programs in the United States. All programs that FEPAC accredits are located within institutions that are accredited by a regional accreditation organization. The FEPAC accreditation process and policies employ rigorous, consensus standards that assure and advance academic quality at accredited institutions.
Innovative Program in a New 21st Century Building
Be one of the first to graduate from an innovative and cutting-edge Forensic Chemistry program in a new state-of-the-art building. The new 69,000-square-foot building includes undergraduate instructional laboratories that open to light-filled student collaboration spaces, as well as a Research Instrument Facility that will put research results on display next to student labs.
Forensic Chemistry at µÛÍõ»áËù
Forensic chemistry is the application of chemistry and related sciences to criminal investigation. µÛÍõ»áËù’s four-year Forensic Chemistry program prepares students for careers in crime laboratories or other law-enforcement agencies, such as FDA, OSHA, and EPA, or for graduate work in forensic chemistry, forensic science or analytical chemistry. This major is offered through the Chemistry & Biochemistry Department and results in a chemistry degree with a strong application to forensic investigation. Because it is a chemistry degree, it is more rigorous in terms of natural science requirements than forensic science degrees conferred from a social science or criminal justice department. Due to the nature of Forensic Chemistry, you must be aware that you will likely be subjected to a rigorous background check as well as a polygraph examination when applying for internships and jobs. Below are three links that you must read and consider.
Program Mission, Goals, and Objectives
Mission Statement
The mission of the Forensic Chemistry program at µÛÍõ»áËù is to provide a transformative learning community that will prepare students for 1) successful careers related to forensic chemistry and the forensic sciences and 2) a variety of graduate and professional degrees including analytical chemistry, forensic science, medicine, law and biomedical and environmental research.
Goals of the Program
- To prepare each graduate to be qualified and experienced for forensic laboratory. employment or post-graduate programs in graduate or professional schools.
- To attract and retain the highest quality students and provide them with unique and personal learning opportunities.
- To provide students with a sound basis in forensic science, chemistry, and law enforcement.
- To provide students with hands-on laboratory experience in the use of modern experimental methods and chemical instrumentation.
- To provide students with training in the design of experiments, use of scientific literature, and the presentation of scientific results.
- To provide opportunities for students to participate in research activities and to present research results at scientific meetings or through publication in scientific journals.
- To provide opportunities for students to participate in internship programs outside of µÛÍõ»áËù.
- To provide students with an effective advising system, both for the purpose of managing their course programs at µÛÍõ»áËù and for career planning.
Objectives of the Program
At the completion of the degree program, a student will
- Be able to demonstrate problem-solving and critical-thinking skills so as to knowledgeably discuss forensic chemical principles in their historic and current contexts.
- Be able to review the existing scientific literature and critically assess merit, novelty, and validity of scientific papers.
- Be able to apply modern methods of forensic analysis in a laboratory setting.
- Be able to design appropriate experiments to obtain meaningful results in a safe and environmentally sensitive manner.
- Be confident and competent in using technologies/instrumentation to gather and analyze data.
- Have acquired broad knowledge in the field of forensic science, law enforcement techniques, chemistry, and biochemistry, such that he/she could be a contributing member of a scientific team.
- Be practiced in communicating and defending forensic evidence in oral and written (electronic) formats.
The student's abilities in these areas are evaluated through practical exercises, laboratory reports, assignments, examinations and competency tests and are reflected in the student's grades in certain classes.
The µÛÍõ»áËù Forensic Chemistry program serves the national, state, and local communities. Service helps the program maintain relevance with respect to research and the curriculum. µÛÍõ»áËù has relationships with coroner's offices, crime labs, and state patrol labs, which have accepted interns and hired our graduates from our program for several decades.
Graduates are well-equipped for a broad range of professional opportunities. Approximately 40 percent of the graduates have pursued advanced degrees in fields such as forensic chemistry, chemistry, biochemistry, toxicology, medicine, and law. Approximately 30 percent are directly employed as laboratory chemists in crime labs at the local, regional and federal levels. The remaining graduates work in a variety of chemistry-related and non-chemistry-related employment sectors such as laboratory chemists, quality control/quality assurance labs, pharmaceutical analysts, paint and polymer chemists and as software and computer engineers.
Student Performance
American Board of Criminalistics Forensic Sciences Aptitude Test (FSAT) Rankings
µÛÍõ»áËù's Forensic Chemistry 2024 graduating class took the American Board of Criminalistics Forensic Sciences Aptitude Test as part of the program evaluation. The aptitude test is a broad test of forensic science and not specific to forensic chemistry. The department paid for the examination, and 10 out of 11 students participated.
µÛÍõ»áËù was one of 10 undergraduate programs that participated in the FSAT program in the first half of 2024 and ranked six overall. A total of 113 undergraduate students were tested.
The following rankings show how OHIO students ranked compared with the other participating undergraduate schools.
Topic | Ranking
Biology| 6
Chemistry | 2
Physics | 1
Metrics | 6
History of Forensics | 6
Statistics | 2
Legal and Ethics | 8
Evidence Handling | 7
QA/QC | 9
Safety | 7
Forensic Biology/DNA | 9
Drugs/Toxicology | 1
Firearms/Impression/QD/Pattern | 2
Trace/Fire Debris | 9
Crime Scene | 10
Anthropology | 6
Entomology | 5
Digital Evidence | 2
Pathology | 7
Photography | 6
James Y. and Harriet Tong Forensic Chemistry Scholarship and Anthony Andrews Scholarship
The department offers several competitive scholarships and awards to undergraduate chemistry majors. Some scholarships are specific to forensic chemistry majors, including the James Y. and Harriet Tong Forensic Chemistry Scholarship and the Anthony Andrews Forensic Chemistry Scholarship for students showing aptitude as forensic chemists.
Previous Winners of the Tong Scholarship
- 2024 Sydney Gross, Maggie Hicks
- 2023 James Fortunato, Makayla Young
- 2022 James Fortunato and Gabrielle Gosciewski
- 2021 Erin Gannon and Makayla Young
- 2020: Jamey Seals
- 2019: Allison Miller and Demi Reed
- 2018 Aleea McConaughey and Kimberly Dominguez
- 2017 Andrew Petry
- 2016 Andrew Petry
- 2015 Anne Marie Esposito
- 2014 Kimberly Belvin
- 2013 Jenna Silverman
- 2012 David Griffiths
- 2011 Ashley March
- 2010 Rachael Kyper
- 2009 Abigail Hunt
- 2007 Cynthia Cipolla
- 2006 Cynthia Cipolla
Previous Winners of the Andrews Scholarship
- 2024 Cayla See and Nikolas Parrish
- 2023 Dylan Carter
- 2022 Josie Franks
- 2021 Grace Groborchik and Josie Franks
- 2020 Grace Groborchik
Student Retention
Student retention, as defined here, tracks the number of students who remain within µÛÍõ»áËù’s forensic chemistry program each year. The greatest change in student retention numbers occurs during the first year of college, which is largely due to students electing to change their major to another field in µÛÍõ»áËù’s College of Arts & Sciences. The reasons for this range from a change in student academic interests to the challenges associated with taking rigorous classes in math and science.
As an example, during the 2018-2019 academic year there were 39 first-semester forensic chemistry majors. Of those students, 24 changed their major after their first semester with 21 of them remaining at µÛÍõ»áËù in such majors as Sociology-Criminology, Psychology, Early Childhood Education, Sociology-PreLaw, Engineering, or another Chemistry major such as Biochemistry. Of the 15 students moving on in the major after their first semester, all 15 graduated with a B.S. Forensic Chemistry Degree.
To help students adjust to college, learn more about the major, explore other interests, and to connect with faculty, students are encouraged to enroll in the UC 1900 Forensic Chemistry Learning Community during their first semester at µÛÍõ»áËù. This course has led to an increase in student retention and has allowed us to better track our students and their progress. Retention information from the last three academic years is as follows:
There were 39 forensic chemistry majors enrolled in the UC 1900 Forensic Chemistry Learning Community Fall 2018 (graduating class of May 2022). Of these, 15 moved on to their sophomore year as forensic chemistry majors and all 15 graduated. Two students added the major after their first year and of these, one has graduated.
There were 27 forensic chemistry majors enrolled in the UC 1900 Forensic Chemistry Learning Community Fall 2019 (graduating class of May 2023). Of these, 8 moved on to their sophomore year as forensic chemistry majors. Seven of these students graduated (three stayed for a 5th year and graduated May 2024) and one changed their major to a BA in Chemistry after their sophomore year. Two students added the major after their first year and both graduated.
There were 25 forensic chemistry majors enrolled in the UC 1900 Forensic Chemistry Learning Community Fall 2020 (graduating class of May 2024). Of these, 8 moved on to their sophomore year as forensic chemistry majors. Of these 8, two changed their majors after their sophomore year (one to psychology and the other unknown). Three other students added the forensic chemistry major after their first year. All 11 who were enrolled in the forensic chemistry program during their sophomore year graduated (along with the three who were 5th year students from above).
Employment Data
OHIO's first B.S. forensic chemistry student graduated in 1978, and as of Spring 2024 there have been 488 graduates from the program.
There were 38 graduates from 2021 through 2024, of which 34 have kept in contact with the Program Director and completed a post-graduation assessment. Four are enrolled in a PhD Program in Chemistry, one is enrolled in Medical School, and two obtained their M.S. Forensic Science Degrees. Several others are currently enrolled in M.S. programs in Chemistry and Forensic Science. Job titles held by our recent graduates include: Criminalist, Controlled Substance Analyst, Quality Assurance Chemist, Forensic Toxicologist, Research Technician, Firearms Examiner, Associate Chemist, and Forensic Chemist Laboratory Scientist.
More specific data collected from the last three academic years:
Of the sixteen 2022 graduates, 6 are employed as chemists, 6 are employed in a crime lab, 2 received MS degrees in Forensic Science (and are counted in those employed in a crime lab), 2 are enrolled in a PhD program, 1 is in medical school, and one is a substitute teacher.
Of the eight 2023 graduates, six are employed as chemists, 1 in a crime lab, and 1 is in a PhD program.
Of the fourteen 2024 graduates, seven are employed as chemists, 1 in a crime lab, 1 in a PhD program, 3 are employed outside of chemistry, and 2 did not reply to the Program Director’s communications.
Frequently Asked Questions
I have already taken classes at another undergraduate institution, will any of my classes transfer?
The College of Arts & Sciences answers questions related to transfer credit. You should contact the college office or undergraduate admissions directly.
I have taken AP classes. Will they count for anything?
These decisions are made by the university and college admissions offices. See Advanced Placement Examination Credit Guide.
Are there any scholarships available and if so, how do I apply?
To guarantee consideration for all chemistry scholarships, a student must complete a FAFSA form through the Office of Student Financial Aid and meet the other qualifications: 1) Shall be pursuing or intending to pursue a B.S. degree in any of the chemistry majors (chemistry, forensic, environmental, pre-med, pre-pharm, pre-dent); 2) Shall have been admitted as a full-time student to the µÛÍõ»áËù Athens campus; 3) Shall have applied for university-sponsored tuition scholarships through the Office of Student Financial Aids and Scholarships; 4) Shall have demonstrated ability or potential for successful performance in college-level study and for a career in chemistry. Some scholarships are restricted to forensic chemistry majors only and you may apply after you have completed one year in the program.
Do you require an internship at a forensic laboratory?
No, internships are not required. We do encourage them, and will frequently post opportunities for which you can apply. We also offer the ability to earn course credit for your internships by submitting a written summary and presenting a seminar to the forensic faculty about your experiences during your internship. Internships held by students from 2021-2024 include: Athens Police Department, µÛÍõ»áËù Police Department, µÛÍõ»áËù Bureau of Criminalistics (Division: Drug Chemistry), Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms (Project Title: Triacetone Triperoxide Lab Detection, Collection, and Packaging), Department of Homeland Security Project Title: Solubility in Different Matrices), Franklin County Coroner’s Office (Division: Toxicology), Central µÛÍõ»áËù Regional Crime Laboratory (Division: Drug Chemistry), Hamilton County Coroner’s Office, Miami Regional Crime Laboratory, Precision Firearms Testing (Division: Firearms), and scientific companies such as Sherwin-Williams, Quidel-Ortho and First Solar.
Can I get involved with forensic chemistry or chemistry research?
Yes, of course. Our chemistry faculty members are very research active and usually supervise two to five undergraduates per semester (in addition to graduate students). Usually, an undergraduate student will select an adviser in his or her junior year and stay with that adviser until he or she graduates. It is the student’s responsibility to contact faculty members to discuss potential projects. Usually, students elect to sign up for research credit; each credit hour requires three hours in the lab. Approximately 10 forensic chemistry majors are enrolled in undergraduate research each semester.