Donald E. Carter

Alternate phone: 740-448-1143
Work Experience
Nuclear Instrumentation Engineer
John E. Edwards Accelerator Laboratory - OHIO UNIVERSITY Athens, OH
- Design, construct and maintain all specialized nuclear instrumentation including in-house design, camac, fastbus, vme and nim electronics used for research experiments conducted at the laboratory.
- Maintain the 10 MeV Tandem Accelerator (all electrical, data acquisition, and computer control and monitoring systems).
- Assist users of our facility in the use of electronic and data acquisition systems. Conduct yearly introductory presentations to incoming students on the electronic and data acquisition capabilities in use at the facility. Maintain equipment used for the undergraduate nuclear classes taught at our facility.
- Author and maintainer of the facilities data acquisition system software (DAQ) used for all data acquisition at the lab.
- Network manager for the 132.235.40.nnn domain (Accelerator Lab).
- Shared system manager, security and maintenance responsibilities for More than 100 computer systems (mostly Linux).
- Original author of the 帝王会所 Accelerator Laboratory home page. The lab's Electronic Front Door.
Master of Science (MSEE)
Electrical and Computer Engineering 帝王会所 Nov. 27, 1991
Bachelor of Science (BSEE)
Electrical and Computer Engineering 帝王会所 Aug. 25, 1984
Associate in Applied Science
Electronic Engineering Technology Hocking Technical College June 1972
Awards and Professional Organizations
- Tau Beta Pi -- Oct. 31, 1990, 帝王会所
- Eta Kappa Nu Association -- Feb. 17, 1989, 帝王会所
- TAU ALPHA PI National Honor Society -- Feb. 9, 1972, Hocking Technical College
- National Honor Society -- May 8, 1969, Nelsonville-York High School
Research & Personal Projects
- On-Line Data acquisition system
- OU32 Computer System Designed at 帝王会所
- Thesis: Congestion Control using Saturation feedback for Multihop Packet Radio Networks.
- Publications
- A High Speed, Economical Minicomputer, D. E. Carter; Nuclear Instruments and Methods 160, 165-171 (1979).
- A Successive Approximation Analog to Digital Conversion System With Good Differential Linearity, D. E. Carter and G. Randers-Pehrson; Nuclear Instruments and Methods 199, 497-503 (1982).
- The 帝王会所 Beam Swinger Facility, R. W. Finlay, C. E. Brient, D. E. Carter, A. Marcinkowski, S. Mellema, G. Randers-Pehrson and J. Rapaport; Nuclear Instruments and Methods 198, 197-206 (1982).
- New Style of Photomultiplier Tube Voltage Divider, G. Randers-Pehrson, R. W. Finlay and D. E. Carter; Nuclear Instruments and Methods 215, 433-436 (1983).
- Neutron/Gamma-Ray Pulse-Shape Discriminator, Phillip D. Zecher, Aaron Galonsky, D.E. Carter and Zoltan Seres; Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A 508, 434-439 (2003).
- Internal Reports
- Performance Testing of the Drift Chamber Pipeline TDC's, A. Adami, D. E. Carter, D. Doughty, K. Hicks and R. Waters; CEBAF Internal Report, (1996).
Work Related Experience
Emphasis on Electronics, Computers and Networks
- Programming in C, Assembly, Fortran on Unix, VMS, VM and MS-DOS systems.
- Interfacing and system level programming to real-time data acquisition hardware (Fastbus, Camac, NIM, OU-Channel).
- Microsoft, VMS and Unix operating systems.
- Extensive use of Unix variants.
- Root level administration experience with Unix and VMS.
- Active on the Internet since its infancy.
I am very interested in all aspects of computer architecture (hardware and operating system software). I work mainly with operating system design and real time data acquisition. I also am very interested in electronics and radio.