James Andrews

Recent News
Ph.D., University of California at Berkeley; B.A., Hiram College
- Greek Prose of the Classical Period (chiefly Plato and Thucydides)
- The Sophists
- Homer
Courses Taught
- Greek and Latin (all levels)
- CLAS 2340: Classical Mythology
- CLAS 2520: Classical Athens
- CLAS 3110: Gods and Heroes in Greek Epic
- CLAS 3130: Wisdom in Antiquity
- CLAS 3800: Colloquium in Classics and World Religions
Research and Publications
In the past my principal area of research has been the political speeches in Thucydides, with emphasis on rhetoric and ideology. At present I am dividing my attention between Plato's account of such sophists as Protagoras and the broader cultural background against which to read Thucydides' account of Athenian imperialism and the Peloponnesian War.
"Cleon's Ethopoetics" in Classical Quarterly 44 (1994) 26-39. [; restricted access]
"Audience and Ideology in Democratic Athens," in J.M. Labiano Ilundain, et al., edd., Actas del II Congreso: Rétorica, PolÃtica e IdeologÃa (Salamanca 1998)
"Cleon's Hidden Appeals" in Classical Quarterly 50 (2000) [; restricted access]
"Pericles on the Athenian Constitution: Thucydides 2.37″ in the American Journal of Philology 125 (2004) [; restricted access]
"Athenagoras, Stasis, and Factional Rhetoric (Thuc. 6.36-40)" in Classical Philology 104, no. 1 (2009). [; restricted access]