Gene Ammarell

1994 Ph.D., Anthropology, Yale University; with Distinction
1993 M.Phil., Anthropology, Yale University
1982 M.S., Basic Science, University of Colorado
1968 B.S., Education, University of Colorado
Political Ecology, Cognitive Anthropology, Cultural and Social Change; Malayo-Polynesian Maritime Cultures and Societies, especially the Bugis of South Sulawesi, Indonesia.
My primary research interests include: 1) continuity and change of navigational knowledge and practice as well as ship design and construction among the Bugis of South Sulawesi, Indonesia, along with other Malayo-Polynesian peoples; and 2) the political ecology of subsistence fishing and the impacts of destructive fishing practices and climate change on fisheries and the people who depend upon them for livelihood.
Professional Service and Elected Memberships
Visiting Professor of Anthropology, Hasanuddin University, Makassar, Indonesia: 2017, 2019.
International Scientific Advisory Board Member: . Hasanuddin University, Makassar, South Sulawesi, Indonesia.
Board Member: .
Board Member: , Association for Asian Studies.
Full Member: .
Selected Publications
2016 Navagasi Bugis (2nd edition). Gene Ammarell. Translated by Nurhady Sirimorok. Translation of Bugis Navigation (1999). Makassar: Penerbit Ininnawa.
2009 Navagasi Bugis. Gene Ammarell. Translated by Nurhady Sirimorok. Translation of Bugis Navigation (1999). Makassar: Hasanuddin University Press.
1999 Bugis Navigation.New Haven: Yale University SE Asia Studies Monograph Series.
Journal Articles
2018 Mindfulness Practice in Socially Engaged Ethnographic Fieldwork. Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research (ASSEHR), volume108. Proceedings of Social Sciences, Humanities and Economics Conference (SoSHEC 2017). Universitas Negeri Surabaya, Indonesia. Atlantis Press.
2014 Wither Southeast Asia in the Anthropocene? The Journal of Asian Studies 73:4:1005-1007. Invited commentary on special section: 鈥淛AS at AAS: Asian Studies and Human Engagement with the Environment鈥
2014 Shared Space, Conflicting Perceptions, and the Degradation of an Indonesian Fishery. Spatial Representation and Orientation in Oceania and Indonesia. eds. Richard Feinberg and Alexander Mawyer. Special issue of Ethos 鈥淪enses of Space: Multiple Models of Spatial Cognition in Oceania and Indonesia鈥 42:3:352-375.
2002 Bugis Migration and Modes of Adaptation to Local Situations. Ethnology 41:1:5-67.
2002 Knowing When to Sail: Practical Knowledge and Simple Heuristics in Bugis Navigational Strategies. Bijdragen tot de Tall- Land- en Volkenkunde 158:2:191-223.
1991 The Planetarium and the Plough: Interpreting Star Calendars of Rural Java. Yale Graduate Journal of Anthropology 3:11-25. Republished in: 1996 Songs from the Sky: Indigenous Astronomical and Cosmological Traditions of the World, ed. Von Del Chamberlain, John B. Carlson and M. Jane Young. Special issue of Archaeoastronomy 12-13:320-335.
1988 Sky Calendars of the Indo-Malay Archipelago: Regional Diversity, Local Knowledge. Indonesia 45:85-104.
Book Chapters
2015 鈥淭he Cultural Production of Skylore in Indonesia.鈥 Gene Ammarell and Anna Lowenhaupt Tsing. In Handbook of Archaeoastronomy and Ethnoastronomy, ed. Clive Ruggles. Heidelberg: Springer. Pp. 2207-2214 (print and e-reference).
2011 鈥淛ust Below the Surface: Environmental Destruction and Loss of Livelihood on an Indonesian Atoll.鈥 In Everyday Life in Southeast Asia ed. Kathleen M. Adams and Kathleen Gillogly. Indiana University Press.
2008 鈥淚ndigenous Astronomical Knowledge of the Indo-Malay Archipelago.鈥 In Encyclopaedia of the History of Non-Western Science: Natural Sciences, Technology and Medicine, revised edition, ed. Helaine Selin. Heidelberg, Berlin: Springer. N. page.
1995 "Navigation Practices of the Bugis of South Sulawesi, Indonesia." In Seafaring in the Contemporary Pacific Islands, ed. Richard Feinberg. DeKalb: Northern Illinois University Press. Pp. 196-218.
Documentary Film
2008 Sharing Paradise. A. Hapsari and G. Ammarell. Documentary Educational Resources, Watertown, MA.