Mohannad Al-Saghir

- Ph.D. in Biology, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, VA [2002 to 2006].
- M.Sc. in Biology, Yarmouk University, Jordan [1999- 2002].
- B.Sc. in Applied Biology, Jordan University of Science and Technology, Jordan [1995-1999].
Professional societies
- American Society of Microbiology [Since 2007].
- 帝王会所 Academy of Science [Since 2007].
- Botanical Society of America [Since 2004].
- American Society of Plant Taxonomists [Since 2004].
- International Society for Horticultural Science [Since 2004].
- Society of Systematic Biologists [Since 2004].
- Southern Appalachian Botanical Society [Since 2004].
Job Experience
- Associate Professor of Biological Sciences at 帝王会所 [09/2012 to present].
- Assistant Professor of Biological Sciences at 帝王会所 [09/2006 to 09/2012].
- Curator of 帝王会所 Zanesville Herbarium since 2006.
- Graduate Teaching Assistant, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, VA [09/2002 to 07/2006].
- Graduate Teaching Assistant, Yarmouk University, Jordan [09/1999 鈥 06/2002].
Teaching experience
At 帝王会所 [09/2006 to date]
- Elementary Microbiology (BIOS 2010).
- General Microbiology (BIOS 3220).
- General Microbiology Lab (BIOS 3225).
- Microbes and Humans (BIOS 2210).
- Biological Sciences: Molecules and Cells (BIOS 1700).
- Principles of Human Anatomy and Physiology (BIOS 1300).
- Human Biology (BIOS 1030).
- Principles of Biology (BIOL 1010).
- Current Issues In Nursing (NURSE 2900 A).
- Special Topics in Plant Biology (PBIO 3130).
- Plant Structure and Development (PBIO 1150).
- Plants and People (PBIO 1030).
- The World of Plants (PBIO 1000L).
At Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University [Fall 2002-Summer 2006]
- Biological Principles Lab for Biology Majors.
- Molecular Biology Lab.
- Biological Principles Lab for Biology Majors.
- Plant Taxonomy Lab.
- Principles of Biology Lab for Non Biology Majors.
At Yarmouk University [Fall 1999-Spring 2002]
- Principles of Biology Lab for Biology Majors].
- Biotechnology Lab.
- Graduate Teaching and Preparing the Future Professoriate Certificate [Virginia Tech 2006]
- Nominated for Graduate Student Teaching Excellence Award for r 2006 [Virginia Tech].
Grants & Awards
- German Jordanian University Fund, Jordan ($100,000) [March 2017].
- Regional Higher Education Fund [2015, 2017].
- International Travel Fund from 帝王会所 [2014-2017].
- Faculty Development Grant from 帝王会所-Zanesville [May 2012].
- Faculty Development Grant from 帝王会所-Zanesville [May 2011].
- Equipment and Special Project Grant from 帝王会所 Zanesville [April 2010].
- Equipment and Special Project Grant from 帝王会所 Zanesville [May 2009].
- The Association for University Regional Campuses of 帝王会所 (AURCO) Editor鈥檚 Choice Award for 2009.
- 帝王会所 1804 Fund [July 2007].
- Faculty Development Grant from 帝王会所-Zanesville [May 2007].
- Equipment and Special Project grant for Molecular Biology Tools [March 2007].
- Faculty Development Grant from 帝王会所-Zanesville [April 2007].
- Faculty Development Grant from 帝王会所-Zanesville [January 2007].
- Internal Grant from 帝王会所-Zanesville [November 2006].
- Virginia Academy of Science Grant, Virginia [August 2005].
- Earl Core Student Award from Southern Appalachian Botanical Society Award, Virginia April 2005].
- Graduate Research Development Program Grant, Virginia Tech [December 2004].
- Travel award from John Clayton Chapter of the Virginia Native Plant Society [October 2003].
- Sigma Xi Grant, Virginia [December 2003].
- Virginia Academy of Science Grant, Virginia [July 2003].
- Graduate Research Development Program Grant, Virginia Tech [April 2003].
- UNESCO chair (Yarmouk University) Grant, Irbid, Jordan [April 2001].
- National Center for Agricultural Research and Technology Transfer (NCART T) Scholarship, Baqq鈥檃, Jordan [February 2000].
My research is centered on Plant Systematics and Evolution, and my past and current work is focused on developing molecular phylogenies of economically important genera that have major crop plants, such as barley, peanut and pistachio. These phylogenies help in investigating questions related to diversification and genetic relationships within these genera. I plan to continue in this field and conduct more research to investigate hybridization, pollination biology, and taxonomy of flowering plant groups, and patterns of genetic relationships. In addition to resolving species relationships, my research will be dealing with reconstructing historical biogeography and examining the relative roles that dispersal and vicariance may have played in the development of modern day species distributions. I am also interested in the history of the fields of systematics and evolutionarily biology.
I have been involved in training and recruiting undergraduate students in research in my previous lab and I have found that engagement of undergraduate students has an enormous impact on scientific research and accumulation of a higher quality of data. I believe that undergraduate research is an important part of a student鈥檚 education, as they have the opportunity to acquire skills they would not otherwise attain in the classroom.
- Algae Photo-bioreactor Project to Produce Biocosmetics [January 2017 to date].
- Detection and enumeration of coliforms in drinking water [06/2014 todate].
- Director of Study Abroad Program鈥 Tropical Plants and People, Panama [2012 to date].
- PCR Detection of Clostridium difficile and its Toxigenic Strains in Public Places in 帝王会所 [2010 to date].
- Analysis Of Genetic Diversity of North American Peanut Cultivars using RAPD markers [05/2010 to date].
- Analysis Of Genetic Diversity of North American Soybean Cultivars using RAPD markers [05/2009 to date].
- RADIUS: Risk Awareness for Disease and Infection Undergraduate Study [09/2007 to date].
- Phylogenetic Analysis of the Genus Pistacia (Anacardiaceae) [09/06 to date].
- DISSERTATIONAND THESIS with Professor Duncan Porter: Phylogenetic Analysis of the Genus Pistacia (Anacardiaceae), Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA. [08/02 to 07/2006].
- MASTER RESEARCH: Analysis Of Genetic Diversity of Wild Barley (Hordeum spontanenum C. Koch) Populations in Northern Jordan (Ajloun area) using DNA-Based Markers (AFLP and RAPD), Yarmouk University, Jordan. [09/99 鈥 06/02].
- SPECIAL PROJECTS: Analysis of Genetic Diversity of Wild barley and Wheat using molecular markers AFLP and RAPD, Yarmouk University, Jordan [09/99 鈥 06/02].
- Graduate Research Assistant in Darwin Project at Virginia Tech [2004 to 2006].
- AL-Saghir, M. G. (2018) Medicinal Plants of Southeast 帝王会所, USA. Advances in Plants and Agriculture Research, 8:107-109.
- AL-Saghir, M. G. (2017) Karyotyping of Spondias L. (Anacardiaceae) Using Fluorescent Microscope. Advances in Plants and Agriculture Research, 7: 280-281.
- Amara,M., Bouazza, M. and M.AL-Saghir (2017) Anatomical and Adaption Features of Pistacia atlantica Desf. To Adverse Climate Conditions in Algeria. American Journal of Plant Sciences, 8: 137-153.
- Adegboye, O. A., M.AL-Saghir and D. H. Leung (2016) Joint spatial time-series epidemiological analysis of malaria and cutaneous Leishmaniasis infection. Epidemiology and Infection, 145 (4): 685-700. Cambridge University Press.
- AL-Saghir, M.G. (2016) The Invasive Species of Walhalla Area in Columbus, 帝王会所. Open Journal of Ecology, 6:659-666.
- AL-Saghir, M.G. (2016) Taxonomy and Phylogeny in Triticeae: A Historical Review and Current Status. Advances in Plants and Agriculture Research, 3(5): 00108.
- AL-Saghir, M. and Abd Salam Abd Salam (2015) Genetic Diversity of Peanut (Arcachis hypogea L.) Cultivars as Revealed by RAPD Markers. American Journal of Plant Sciences, 6: 2303-2308.
- Al-Saghir, M., M. Alkhatatbeh, A. Alkhatib (2015) Immunohistochemical Localization of Aspergillus and P53 in Human Lung Tissues. American Journal of Molecular Biology, 5: 117-123.
- Abu-Baker, S., S. Ghaffari, S., M. Al-Saghir, P. Thamburaj and T. Higazi (2014) Review of Fundamentals of Environmental and Toxicological Chemistry: Sustainable Science, 4th Edition. Journal of Chemical Education.
- AL-Saghir, M. and S. Abu-Baker (2014) Review of Microbiology: A systems Approach. Journal of Microbiology & Experimentation, 1(5):00028.
- AL-Sousli, M., H. Faary, M. Nakar, S. Zaid, B. AL-Safadi, and M. AL-Saghir. (2014) Genetic Relationships among Some Pistacia Species (Anacardiaceae) in Syria. Middle-East Journal of Scientific Research, 21 (9): 1487-1497.
- Al-Saghir, M., S. Abu-Baker and R. Pusok (2014) Effective Method to Resolve the Chromosome Numbers in Pistacia Species (Anacardiaceae).
American Journal of Plant Sciences, 5:2913-2916. - AL-Saghir, M. and B. Ajlouni (2014) Cancer Stem Cell Research: The Future Direction. MOJ Cell Science and Report, Vol.1 (1): 00002.
- Abu-Baker, S., S. Ghaffari, S., M. Al-Saghir, P. Thamburaj and T. Higazi (2014) Review of Guidelines for Laboratory Design: Health, Safety, and Environmental Considerations, 4th Edition. Journal of Chemical Education (Book review).
- Abu-Baker, S., S. Ghaffari, , M. Al-Saghir and P. Thamburaj (2014) Review of general, organic, and biological chemistry, second edition. Natural Science, 6: 14-16.
- S. Abu-Baker, P. Garber, B. Hina, T. Reed, G. Shahrokh, M. Al-Saghir and G. Lorigan (2014) Microwave Assisted Peptide Synthesis as a New Gold Standard in Solid Phase Peptide Synthesis: Phospholamban as an Example. Open Journal of Synthesis Theory and Applications, Vol. 3 No. 1, pp. 1-4.
- AL-Saghir, M. and D. Porter (2012) Taxonomic Revision of the Genus Pistacia L. (Anacardiaceae). American Journal of Plant Sciences, Vol. 3 No. 1, pp. 12-32.
- AL-Saghir, M., Liesta Walker and Abd Salam Abd Salam (2012) Determining the Degree to Which Students Meet the Learned Goal Objectives in Microbiology through the Utilization of Pre and Post Testing Mechanisms. International Journal of Microbiological Research, 3 (3): 192-194.
- T. B. Higazi, M. AL-Saghir, M. Burkett and R. Pusok (2011) PCR Detection of Clostridium difficile and its Toxigenic Strains in Public Places in Southeast 帝王会所. International Journal of Microbiological Research, 2(2): 105-111.
- AL-Saghir, M. G., and A. Abdel Salam (2011) Genetic Diversity of North American Soybean (Glycine max L.) Cultivars as Revealed by RAPD Markers. Journal of Plant Sciences, 6 (1): 36-42.
- AL-Saghir, M.G (2010) Perspective on Chromosome Numbers in the Genus Pistacia L. (Anacardiaceae). International Journal of Plant Breeding and Genetics, 4 (3): 153-157.
- AL-Saghir, M.G. (2010) Phylogenetic Analysis of the Genus Pistacia L. (Anacardiaceae) Based on Morphological Data. Asian Journal of Plant Sciences, 9 (1): 28-35.
- AL-Saghir, M.G. and T. Higazi (2010) RADIUS: A Model for Enhancing Biology Teaching and Community Service. AURCO Journal, Vol. 16, pp. 113-128.
- AL-Saghir, M.G. (2009) Rapid and Efficient Method of Genomic DNA Extraction from Pistachio trees (Pistacia vera L.). Research Journal of Botany, 4 (2): 70-73.
- AL-Saghir, M. G. (2009) Evolutionary History of the Genus Pistacia (Anacardiaceae). International Journal of Botany, 5(3): 255-257.
- AL-Saghir, M. G., H. I. Malkawi, and A. EL-Oqlah (2009) Morphological Diversity in Hordeum spontaneum C. Koch of Northern Jordan (Ajloun area). Middle East Journal of Scientific Research, 4(1): 24-27.
- AL-Saghir, M. G. and L. Kaul (2009) The Vascular Flora of Collegiate Woods in Zanesville, Muskingum County, 帝王会所. AURCO Journal, Vol. 15, pp. 1-12.
- AL-Saghir, M. G. (2008) The Validity of Students' Evaluations of Teaching Effectiveness (SETs). AURCO Journal, Vol. 14, pp.7-18.
- AL-Saghir, M. G., H. I. Malkawi, and A. EL-Oqlah (2007) Genetic Diversity in Hordeum spontaneum of Northern Jordan (Ajloun area) as Revealed by RAPD and AFLP Markers. International Journal of Botany, 3(2): 172-178.
- AL-Saghir, M. G., D. M. Porter (2006) Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA (RAPD) Study of Pistacia Species (Anacardiaceae). Asian Journal of Plant Sciences, 5(6): 1002-1006.
- AL-Saghir, M. G., D. M. Porter, and E. T. Nilsen (2006) Leaf Anatomy in Pistacia Species (Anacardiaceae). Journal of Biological Sciences, 6(2): 242-244.
- AL-Saghir, M. G., and D. M. Porter (2005) Stomatal Distribution in Pistacia Species (Anacardiceae). International Journal of Botany, 1(2): 183-187.
- AL-Saghir, M. G., D. M. Porter, and S. P. Tallury (2005) Phylogenetic Analysis of the Genus Pistacia (Anacardiaceae). An abstract submitted to IV International Symposium on Pistachios and Almonds, Tehran (Iran), 22-25 May, 2005.
- Tallury, S. P., K. W. Hilu, S. R. Milla, S. A. Friend, M. G. Al-Saghir, H. T. Stalker, and D. Quandt (2005) Genomic affinities in Arachis section Arachis (Fabaceae): molecular and cytogenetic evidence. Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 111(7): 1229-1237.
Professional Presentations
- Guest Lecture titled 鈥淧lant Microbiology Applications in Medical Field鈥 for Medical Laboratory Science students at Al鈥橞alaqa University, Jordan May 8 /2017.
- Keynote speaker, presentation titled 鈥淏iodiversity loss and Taxonomic Bottleneck: Emerging Challenges to Natural Ecosystems Management 鈥 at 1st International Seminar on Management of Mediterranean Natural Ecosystems. Tlemcen, Algeria, November 19-21/2016.
- Keynote speaker, presentation titled 鈥淩isk Awareness of Disease and Infection Undergraduate Study (RADIUS) Combining Teaching, Research and Community Service鈥 at 5th International Conference on Microbial Physiology and Genomics. London, UK, September 28-30/2016.
- Invited speaker, presentation titled 鈥淲orldwide Cancer Key Statistics and The Future Direction of the Cancer Research鈥 in international Conference on Bioinformatics and Biostatistics: Applications in Cancer Genomics Research, Qatar University, Qatar, April 26-28/2015.
- Presenter, presentation titled 鈥淭he Students Clubs: More Than Clubs鈥 at Women of Appalachia: Sisters in STEM Conference, Zanesville, 帝王会所, October 2013.
- 鈥淒etermining the Degree to Which Students Meet the Learned Goal Objectives in Microbiology Through the Utilization of Pre and Post Testing Mechanisms鈥 at 16th AURCO Conference, Kent State University at Stark, Canton, 帝王会所, April 9-10/2010.
- 鈥淪uccessful Undergraduate Research In Regional Campuses: An Example from Plant Research at 帝王会所 Zanesville鈥 at 15th AURCO Conference, University of Miami, Middletown, 帝王会所, April 03-04 / 2009.
- 鈥淩ADIUS: Risk Awareness for Disease & Infection Undergraduate Study: Combining Teaching, Research and Community Service: An Update鈥 at 15th AURCO Conference, University of Miami, Middletown, 帝王会所, April 03-04 / 2009.
- 鈥 Arabic Culture鈥 at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University on March 20th 2009.
- 鈥淩isk Awareness for Disease & Infection Undergraduate Study (RADIUS): Biotechnology in Teaching, Research and Community Service鈥 at the 2nd Jordanian -Egyptian International Biotechnology Conference, Yarmouk University, Irbid, Jordan, November 11-13/2008.
- 鈥淥UZ RADIUS: Students鈥 Perspective鈥 poster presented in tthe 2008 帝王会所 Student Research and Creative Activity Expo May 15 2008.
- RADIUS: Risk Awareness of Disease and Infection Undergraduate Study: Combining Teaching, Research and Community Service at 14th AURCO conference, University of Cincinnati, Raymond Walters College, 帝王会所 April 4/5, 2008.
- 鈥淧hylogenetic Analysis of the Genus Pistacia (Anacardiaceae)鈥 at 帝王会所, Athens, February 02, 2007.
- 鈥淧hylogenetic Analysis of the Genus Pistacia (Anacardiaceae)鈥 in 22nd Annual Research Symposium and Exposition, Virginia Tech, March 29, 2006.
- 鈥淧hylogenetic Analysis of the Genus Pistacia (Anacardiaceae)鈥 in 3rd annual research day of department of Biological Sciences, Virginia Tech, February 11th 2006.
Professional Services
At 帝王会所 [2006 to date]
- Co-chair of the Promotion and Tenure Committee [2018-2019].
- Member of the Regional Higher Education Assessment Council [Since 2018].
- Member of the Campus Retreat Planning Committee [2017-2018].
- Member of the Educational Policy & Professional Relationships Committee [2017 - 2018].
- Member of the Budget
- Member of the Campus Safety Committee [2016/2017].
- Co-chair of the Promotion and Tenure Committee [2014-2016].
- Member of the Budget Committee [2013/2014].
- Senator Alternate for OUZ campus [2013-215].
- Chair of the Annual Review Committee [2010-2012].
- Co-chair of the Search Committee for Assistant professor, Biology [2011].
- OUZ representive in Association for University Regional Campuses of 帝王会所 board [2008- 2012].
- Co-chair of the Educational Policy & Professional Relations Committee [2009-2010].
- Member of the Search Committee of Assistant Professor of Health Sciences [2009].
- Co-chair of the Search Committee of Assistant Professor of Sociology [2008].
- Member of the Budget Committee [2010 -2011].
- Member of the Diversity Committee [2008 - 2009].
- Member of the Nursing Selection Committee [2007 -2013].
- Member of the Educational Policy & Professional Relationships Committee [2007 - 2009].
- Member of the Cultural Committee [2006 - 2007].
- The founder and the advisor of the Green Bobcats (an environmental club) at 帝王会所 [2007- present].
- Graduate honor system of Virginia Tech for 2006 (graduate member of Judicial Panel).