Ajaya Ravindran

PhD, Atmospheric & Oceanic Sciences, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India, Aug 1996 – Nov 2001
M.Tech, Atmospheric Sciences ,Cochin University of Science and Technology, Cochin, India, Jan 1994 – Jul 1995
M.Sc/PGDCA, Applied Physics/Computer Applications, Gandhigram Rural University, Tamil Nadu, India, Jun 1990 – Jul 1993
B.Sc Physics, University College, University of Kerala, Thiruvananthapuram, India, Jun 1987 – May 1990
Aug 2024 – present
Visiting Professor in Meteorology
Department of Geography, Clippinger Labs 360,
Athens OH 45701, United State of America
Sep 2022 – present
Visiting Scientist
Mubadala Arabian Center for Climate and Environmental Science,
New York University Abu Dhabi, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
Jan 2023 – Dec 2023
Associate Professor in Meteorology
Abu Dhabi Polytechnic, Institute of Applied Technology,
Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
Sep 2012 – Aug 2022
Senior Research Scientist
Centre for Prototype Climate Modelling,
New York University Abu Dhabi, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
Jun 2011 – Aug 2012
Scientific Data Specialist
University of Victoria, Ocean Networks Canada,
Victoria, BC, Canada
Sep 2007 – May 2011
Research Associate
Canadian Centre for Climate Modelling & Analysis/University of Victoria,
Victoria, BC, Canada
Jan 2006 – Jun 2007
Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science Technology,
Research Institute for Global Change, Yokohama, Japan
Jan 2005 – Dec 2005
Research Associate
Centre for Atmospheric & Oceanic Sciences,
Indian Institute of Science,
Bangalore, India
Jan 2003 – Dec 2004
Postdoctoral Associate
Center for Ocean-Atmospheric Prediction Studies,
Florida State University,
Tallahassee, United States of America
Nov 2001 – Dec 2002
Research Associate
Centre for Atmospheric & Oceanic Sciences,
Indian Institute of Science,
Bangalore, India
Courses Taught
- Introduction to Meteorology (MET 1001)
- Tropical Meteorology (MET 4101)
- Atmospheric Dynamics I (MET 2202)
- Atmospheric Dynamics II (MET 3102)
- Numerical Weather Prediction (MET 3201)
- Planetary Boundary Layer Meteorology (MET 4101)
- Climate Data Management Workshop (MET 4302)
- Meteorological Instruments & Weather Observations (MET 2060)
Fall 2024
- Synoptic Meteorology (GEOG 4060/5060)
- Physical Meteorology (GEOG 3050/5050)
Spring 2025
- Mesoscale Meteorology (GEOG 4070/5070)
- Tropical Meteorology (GEOG 4900/5900)
- Introduction to Meteorology (GEOG 3010)
Research Interests
- Climate change of South Asia and the Middle East
- Climate Modeling and process studies
- Climate extremes, Monsoon variability
- Simulation of MJO in GCM using multi cloud models
- CMIP Model Analysis
- Regional Modeling studies
X. Zhou, P. Ray, H. Tan, J. Dudhia, R.S. Ajayamohan, and H. Gomes, 2024: Rain-induced surface sensible heat flux reduces monsoonal rainfall over India, Geophysical Research Letters, DOI:10.1002/2023GL107796
S. Roose, R. S. Ajayamohan, P. Ray, Shang-Ping Xie, C. T. Sabeerali, M. Mohapatra, S. Taraphdar, K. Mohanakumar and M. Rajeevan, 2023: Pacific Decadal Oscillation causes fewer near-equatorial cyclones in the North Indian Ocean, Nature Communications, DOI: 10.1038/s41467-023-40642-x
Resmi E. A., B. Preethi, R. S. Ajayamohan, Pallav Ray, C. K. Unnikrishnan, S. Nita, T. S. Sreekanth, R. K.Sumesh, K. Rajeevan, J. Dharmadas, 2023: Analysis of localized features during wet and dry rainfall episodes over the southern tip of India, Int. Jl. Climatol, DOI: 10.1002/joc.8267
D. Gopalakrishnan, S. Taraphdar, O. M. Pauluis, L. Xue, R. S.Ajayamohan, N. A. Shamsi, S. Chen, J. A. Lee, W. W. Grabowski, C. Liu, S. A. Tessendorf and R. M. Rasmussen, 2023: Anatomy of a summertime convective event over the Arabian region, Mon. Wea. Rev, DOI: 10.1175/MWR-D-22-0082.1
S. Roose, R. S. Ajayamohan, P. Ray, M. Reshmi and K. Mohanakumar, 2022: ENSO influence on Bay 0f Bengal cyclogenesis confined to low latitudes, npj climate and atmospheric science, DOI: 10.1038/s41612-022000252-8
R. S. Ajayamohan, B. Khouider, V. Praveen and A. J. Majda, 2021: Maritime Continent Diurnal Cycle Barrier in a coarse resolution GCM, Jl. Atmos. Sci. DOI: 10.1175/JAS-D-20-0112.1
C. T. Sabeerali, R. S. Ajayamohan and V. K. Praveen, 2021: Evaluation of Atlantic Zonal Mode-Monsoon teleconnection in CMIP6 coupled models. Clim. Dyn. DOI:10.1007/s00382-05996-2
S. Taraphdar, O. Pauluis, L. Xue, C. Liu, R. Rasmussen, R. S. Ajayamohan, S. Tessendorf, X, Jing, S, Chen, W. Grabowski, 2021: WRF gray zone simulations of precipitation over Arabian Peninsula and UAE: Impacts of physical parameterizations and resolution, Jl. Geophy. Res. DOI: 10.1029/ 2021JD034648
P. Ray, H. Tan, M. Tewari, J. Brownlee, R. S. Ajayamohan, and B. S. Barret, 2021: Role of Advection on the Evolution of Near-Surface Temperature and Wind in Urban-Aware Simulations. Jl. Appl. Meteorol. Climatol. DOI:10.1175/JAMC-D-20-0068.1.
T. S. Mohan, M. Temimi, R. S. Ajayamohan, N. R. Nelli, R. Fonseca, M. Weston, and V. Valappil, 2020: On the Investigation of the Typology of Fog Events in an Arid Environment and the Link with Climate Patterns. Monthly Weather Review, DOI:10.1175/MWR-D-20-0073.1.
B. Khouider, C. T. Sabeerali, R. S. Ajayamohan, V. Praveen, A. J. Majda, D. S. Pai and M. Rajeevan, 2020: A novel method for interpolating station rainfall data using stochastic lattice model, J. Hydrometeor., DOI: 10.1175/JHM-D-19-0143.1
V. Praveen, V. Valsala, R. S. Ajayamohan and B. Sridhar, 2020: Oceanic mixing over northern Arabian Sea in a warming scenario, Tug of war between wind and buoyancy forces, J. Phys. Oceanogr., DOI: 10.1175/JPO-D-19-0173.1
H. Tan, P. Ray, M. Tewari, J. Brownlee, R. S. Ajayamohan, 2019: Response of Near-Surface Meteorological Conditions to Advection under Impact of the Green Roof, Atmosphere, DOI:10.3390/atmos10120759
C. T. Sabeerali, R. S Ajayamohan, HK Banglath and Nan Chen, 2019: Atlantic Zonal Mode: An emerging source of Indian summer monsoon variability in a warming scenario, Geophysical Research Letters, DOI:10.1029/2019GL082379
C. T. Sabeerali, R. S Ajayamohan, S. A. Rao, 2019: Loss of predictive skill of Indian summer monsoon rainfall in NCEP CFSv2 due to misrepresentation of Atlantic Zonal, Climate Dynamics, DOI:10.1007/s00382-018-4390-1
S Sandeep, R. S. Ajayamohan, WR Boos, TP Sabin, V Praveen, 2018: Decline and poleward shift in Indian summer monsoon synoptic activity in a warming climate, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, DOI:10.1073/pnas.1709031115.
N Chen, A. J. Majda, C. T. Sabeerali, R. S. Ajayamohan, 2018: Predicting Monsoon Intraseasonal Precipitation using a Low-Order Nonlinear Stochastic Model, Journal of Climate, DOI:10.1175/JCLI-D-17-0411.1
S. Sandeep, R. S. Ajayamohan, 2018: Modulation of winter precipitation dynamics over the Arabian Gulf by ENSO, Journal of Geophysical Research, DOI: 10.1002/2017jd027263
C. T. Sabeerali, R. S Ajayamohan, 2017: On the shortening of Indian summer monsoon season in a warming scenario, Climate Dynamics, DOI:10.1007/s00382-017-3709-7
C. T. Sabeerali, R. S. Ajayamohan, D. Giannakis and A. J. Majda, 2017: Extraction and real-time monitoring of Monsoon Intraseasonal Oscillations, An index based on Nonlinear Laplacian Spectral Analysis. Climate Dynamics, DOI:10.1007/s00383-016-3491-y
V. Praveen, R. S. Ajayamohan, Vinu Valsala, S. Sandeep, 2016: Intensification of upwelling along Oman coast in a Warming Scenario, Geophysical Research Letters, DOI:10.1002/2016GL069638
R. S. Ajayamohan, Boualem Khouider, Andrew J. Majda, Qiang Deng, 2016: Role of stratiform heating on the organization of convection over the monsoon trough, Climate Dynamics, DOI:10.1007/s00382-016-3033-7
K. Niranjan Kumar, T. B. M. J. Ouarda, S. Sandeep, R. S. Ajayamohan, 2016: Wintertime precipitation variability over the Arabian Peninsula and its relationship with ENSO in the CAM4 simulations, Climate Dynamics, 47(7-8). DOI:10.1007/s00382-016-2973-2
Qiang Deng, Boualem Khouider, Andrew J. Majda, R. S. Ajayamohan, 2015: Effect of Stratiform Heating on the Planetary-Scale Organization of Tropical Convection, Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, DOI:10.1175/JAS-D-15-0178.
V. Praveen, S. Sandeep, R. S. Ajayamohan, 2015: On the Relationship between Mean Monsoon Precipitation and Low Pressure Systems in Climate Model Simulations, Journal of Climate, 28, DOI:10.1175/JCLI-D-14-00415.1
S Sandeep, R S Ajayamohan: Origin of cold bias over the Arabian Sea in Climate Models, 2014: Scientific Reports, 4, DOI:10.1038/srep06403
R S Ajayamohan, Boualem Khouider, Andrew J Majda, 2014: Simulation of monsoon intraseasonal oscillations in a coarse resolution aquaplanet GCM, Geophysical Research Letters, DOI:10.1002/2014GL060662
S Sandeep, R S Ajayamohan, 2014: Poleward Shift in Indian Summer Monsoon Low Level Jetstream under Global Warming, Climate Dynamics, DOI:10.1007/s00382-014-2261-y
R. S. Ajayamohan, B. Khouider, A. J. Majda, 2013: Realistic Madden-Julian Oscillation initiation and dynamics in a coarse resolution aquaplanet General Circulation Model, Geophysical Research Letters, DOI:10.1029/2013GL058187
Kim S Juniper, Marjolaine Matabos, Steven Mihály, R.S. Ajayamohan, Françoise Gervais, Alice O.V. Bui, 2013: A year in Barkley Canyon: A time-series observatory study of mid-slope benthos and habitat dynamics using the NEPTUNE Canada network, Deep Sea Research Part II Topical Studies in Oceanography, DOI: 10.1016/j.dsr2.2013.03.038
William J. Merryfield, Woo-Sung Lee, George J. Boer, Viatcheslav V. Kharin, John F. Scinocca, Gregory M. Flato, R. S. Ajayamohan, John C. Fyfe, Youmin Tang, Saroja Polavarapu, 2013: The Canadian Seasonal to Interannual Prediction System. Part I: Models and Initialization. Monthly Weather Review, 141(8), DOI:10.1175/MWR-D-12-00216.1
Marjolaine Matabos, Alice O.V. Bui, Steven Mihály, Jacopo Aguzzi, Kim S Juniper, R.S. Ajayamohan, 2013: High-frequency study of epibenthic megafaunal community dynamics in Barkley Canyon: A multi-disciplinary approach using the NEPTUNE Canada network, Journal of Marine Systems, DOI:10.1016j..jmarsys.2013.05.002
C. T. Sabeerali, Suryachandra A. Rao, R.S. Ajayamohan, Raghu Murtugudde, 2012: On the relationship between Indian summer monsoon withdrawal and Indo-Pacific SST anomalies before and after 1976/1977 climate shift, Climate Dynamics, 39, DOI:10.1007/s00382-011-1269-9
R. S. Ajayamohan, H. Annamalai, Jing-Jia Luo, Jan Hafner, Toshio Yamagata, 2011: Poleward propagation of boreal summer intraseasonal oscillations in a coupled model: Role of internal processes, Climate Dynamics, 37(5), DOI:10.1007/s00382-010-0839-6
V. Krishnamurthy, R. S. Ajayamohan, 2010: Composite Structure of Monsoon Low Pressure Systems and Its Relation to Indian Rainfall, Journal of Climate, 23, DOI:10.1175/2010JCLI2953.1
Prince K Xavier, Viju O John, S A Buehler, R S Ajayamohan, S Sijikumar, 2010: Variability of Indian summer monsoon in a new upper tropospheric humidity data set. Geophysical Research Letters, 37(5), DOI:10.1029/2009GL041861
R. S. Ajayamohan, William J. Merryfield, Viatcheslav V. Kharin, 2010: Increasing Trend of Synoptic Activity and Its Relationship with Extreme Rain Events over Central India, Journal of Climate, 23, DOI:10.1175/2009JCLI2918.1
R. S. Ajayamohan, Suryachandra A Rao, Jing-Jia Luo, Toshio Yamagata, 2009: Influence of Indian Ocean Dipole on boreal summer intraseasonal oscillations in a coupled general circulation model, Journal of Geophysical Research, 114(D6), DOI:10.1029/2008JD011096
R. S. Ajayamohan, Suryachandra A. Rao, Toshio Yamagata, 2008: Influence of Indian Ocean Dipole on Poleward Propagation of Boreal Summer Intraseasonal Oscillations, Journal of Climate, 21, DOI:10.1175/2008JCLI1758.1
R. S. Ajayamohan, Suryachandra A. Rao, 2008: Indian Ocean Dipole Modulates the Number of Extreme Rainfall Events over India in a Warming Environment, Journal of the Meteorological Society of Japan, 86, DOI:10.2151/jmsj.86.245
R. S. Ajayamohan, B. N. Goswami, 2007: Dependence of Simulation of Boreal Summer Tropical Intraseasonal Oscillations on the Simulation of Seasonal Mean, Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 64, DOI:10.1175/JAS3844.1
R. S. Ajayamohan: Simulation of South-Asian Summer Monsoon in a GCM, 2007: Pure and Applied Geophysics 164(10), DOI:10.1007/s00024-007-0249-9
B. N. Goswami, RS Ajayamohan, Prince K Xavier, D Sengupta, 2003: Clustering of synoptic activity by Indian summer monsoon intraseasonal oscillations. Geophysical Research Letters, 30(8), DOI:10.1029/2002GL016734
B. N. Goswami, R S Ajayamohan, 2001: Intraseasonal Oscillations and Interannual Variability of the Indian Summer Monsoon, Journal of Climate, 14. DOI:10.1175/1520-0442(2001)014%3C1180:IOAIVO%3E2.0.CO;2
B N Goswami, R S Ajayamohan, 2001: Intraseasonal oscillations and Predictability of the Indian summer monsoon, Proceedings-Indian National Science Academy Part A, 67(3), 369-384
B N Goswami, R S Ajayamohan, 2001: Estimate of predictability of monthly means in tropics from observations, 2001: Current Science, 80 (1), 56-63.
R S Ajayamohan, B N Goswami, 2000: A common spatial mode for intra-seasonal and inter-annual variation and predictability of the Indian summer monsoon, Current Science, 79(8), 1106-1111