A&S Outstanding Faculty Undergraduate Advising Award
Eligible Nominees: Tenured, tenure-track and instructional faculty in the College of Arts & Sciences are eligible for this award. A faculty member may receive the Outstanding Faculty Undergraduate Advising Award more than once, but when an individual does receive the award, an interval of six years (including the year of the award) must pass before that person is eligible to receive the award again.
Criteria for Award Selection by College of Arts & Sciences Awards Committee
The committee will assess each nominee in the following categories.
Accessibility. Evidence of excellence in advising includes testimonials from colleagues and the departmental chair of exceptional availability, and from advisee evaluations of advisors.
Commitment to student success. Evidence of commitment to undergraduate student success includes participation in advising workshops, majors and career fairs, student activities, organizations, and honor societies, as well as offering aid in attaining job placement, fellowships and awards. Student testimonials indicating how the advisor's support impacted their academic lives are also appropriate.
Nomination Process
Nominations will be considered for one Outstanding Faculty Undergraduate Advising award each academic year. No specific limit is placed on the number of nominees from one department. Nominations should come from:
Departments, via an appropriate committee (e.g., evaluation, curriculum, promotion and tenure, advisory, or executive); or
Any fulltime faculty member. (Self-nominations are not acceptable.) Nominators and nominees need not be from the same department.
Nomination letters of up to three double-spaced pages should describe how the nominee meets the award criteria. Supporting material should be no more than ten pages. Nominations and supporting material should be sent in pdf format to cas@ohio.edu. Each nominator is responsible for assembling and documenting the necessary evidence in support of the nominee.
Department chairs and program directors are encouraged to cooperate with any faculty member seeking evidence in support of a nomination. In addition, chairs and directors are encouraged to coordinate the nomination of a faculty member who is nominated by two or more colleagues, in order to reduce the possibility of duplicate nominations being sent to the Awards Committee.
Award Selection and Recognition
Selections will be made by the Arts & Sciences Awards Committee during Spring Semester, and the awards will be announced at the college Spring Gala. The award recipient will receive a plaque and financial award in recognition of this accomplishment.