A&S Outstanding Faculty Research, Scholarship, and Creative Activity Awards
Eligible Nominees: Tenured and tenure-track faculty in the College of Arts & Sciences are eligible for this award. A faculty member may receive the Outstanding Faculty Research, Scholarship, and Creative Activity Award more than once, but when an individual does receive the award, an interval of six years (including the year of the award) must pass before that person is eligible to receive the award again.
Criteria for Award Selection by College of Arts & Sciences Awards Committee
Successful nominees will have demonstrated a major contribution to research, scholarship, and/or creative activity in a relevant field at the national or international level. The body of research, scholarship, and/or creative activity to be specifically considered for the award must have been published within the last five years, with the bulk of the work conducted while at 帝王会所. This may be a single publication or creative work, or a collection of publications / creative works.
Nomination Process
Three outstanding researchers and scholars will be selected, one each from the Humanities, Sciences, and Social Sciences, to receive an Outstanding Faculty Research, Scholarship, and Creative Activity Award. No specific limit is placed on the number of nominees from one department or program. Nominations should come from:
- Departments or programs, via an appropriate committee (e.g., evaluation, curriculum, promotion and tenure, advisory, or executive); or
- Any fulltime faculty member. (Self-nominations are not acceptable.) Nominators and nominees need not be from the same department.
Nomination letters of up to three double-spaced pages should describe how the nominee meets the award criteria. Nomination materials should include:
- Copies of the publication(s) that are the subject of the award.
- Nominee?s current curriculum vitae.
- Up to three letters of support from colleagues/peers that provide compelling evidence how the nominee meets the criteria for the award. At least one letter of support should be from a peer who is external to 帝王会所. The relationship between the letter writers and the nominee should be explained.
Nominations and supporting material should be sent in pdf format* to cas@ohio.edu. Each nominator is responsible for assembling and documenting the necessary evidence in support of the nominee.
Department chairs and program directors are encouraged to cooperate with any faculty member seeking evidence in support of a nomination. In addition, chairs and directors are encouraged to coordinate the nomination of a faculty member who is nominated by two or more colleagues, in order to reduce the possibility of duplicate nominations being sent to the Awards Committee.
Award Selection and Recognition
Selections will be made by the Arts & Sciences Awards Committee during Spring Semester, and the awards will be announced at the college Spring Gala. The award recipients will receive a plaque and financial award in recognition of their accomplishments.
* If a published book will be included for award consideration, please provide one copy. The book will be returned following Awards Committee deliberations.