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Business Class
Upgrade your student organization

Business Class

All College of Business student organization members are automatically a part of Business Class.

Business Class is a way to upgrade your student organization, taking it to a higher level.

Representing all official College of Business student organizations on campus, Business Class makes it easier to promote, strengthen and grow your organization with across-the-board support and benefits that you can take advantage of right away — plus, your group will be eligible for special accolades, such as Student Organization of the Year.

Business Class Benefits

Event Support

  • Contact Information: We will provide contact information for recruiters and alumni at companies you would like to visit as an organization or invite to attend your meeting, panel, etc. 
  • Employer Outreach: We will inform employers about your upcoming events and assist with marketing efforts to students if your event is open to nonmembers of your organization. 
  • Program Details: We will act as a sounding board for your program ideas and agendas, as well as review your program agenda and proposed panelist topics and questions. 
  • Bio Sheet Template: We will supply a template for, and review, the bio sheet that your organization will create detailing the backgrounds of your employer participants. 
  • Tabling Days: We will give you access to three tabling days per semester on the first floor of Copeland Hall. 

Professional Development Opportunities

  • Career Workshops: We will offer presentations to your student organization on a variety of career topics. 
  • Recruiting Events: We will grant access to special employer recruiting events only open to College of Business student organizations, such as a reverse career fair the evening before all College of Business career fairs. 
  • Promotion to Students: We will share ways to be connected when opportunities arise to promote your organization to students with relevant and related interests. 
  • Promotion to Employers: We will promote your student organization to employers interested in recruiting students in majors related to your student organization. Additionally, we will create a resume book for your organization members that will be provided to employers upon request from the organization. 
  • Social Media Marketing: We will publicize your events through our social media channels to both students and employers.


  • Represent µÛÍõ»áËù and the College of Business with the highest level of professionalism, especially when working with employers and alumni. Your student organization is a crucial ambassador of the College of Business, and employers will form impressions about the College based on their interactions with your organization. 
  • Include a diverse range of participants in your program or panel to provide your audience with a variety of viewpoints and experiences. 
  • Provide the College of Business Academic Advising and Career Services (BAACS) office with the days, times and locations of your events that include employer and alumni guests. This will provide an opportunity for the CoB Employer Relations Team to meet and welcome guests and discuss further recruiting opportunities on campus. Additionally, should BAACS request contact information for your guests, you will agree to provide that information. 
  • Share the details of your organization’s official site visits to employers, including contact information if requested. This enables BAACS to extend our appreciation and expand our outreach to employers. 
  • Update BAACS with any changes in student leadership or contact information for your organization. This ensures we always have up to date information on how to connect with your organization. 
  • Ensure that at least one officer from your organization attends the monthly College of Business student organization council meetings. This allows your organization to stay informed of important events and initiatives within the College of Business, while providing you with professional development opportunities. 
  • Promote BAACS events, such as career fairs, to members of your organization. This enables your members to take advantage of valuable professional development opportunities. 
  • If your organization travels over 100 miles or travels for an overnight trip, you must have a university employee serve as a chaperone for the duration of the trip.