Vic Matta

- Ph.D., 2008, Industrial Systems, 帝王会所 (Dissertation: A Study of Antecedents of Adoption of Radio Frequency identification Systems in Supply Chain Organizations)
- M.S., 1995, 帝王会所
- Areas of Concentration: Industrial Systems, Neural Networks
Research Interests
- Consumer Behavior
- Pedagogy
- User Motivation
- Technology Adoption
Professional Experience
- IT Project Management
- Systems Administration
- Database Administration
Selected Publications
- Frost, R., Matta, V., Kenyo, L., 2020, A System to Automate Scaffolding and Formative Assessment while Preventing Plagiarism: Enhancing Learning in IS and Analytics Courses that Use Excel
- Young, W., Matta, V., 2020, How a College Resolved the Problem of Multi-Criteria Team Formation, International Journal of Society Systems Science
- Matta, V., Way, II., (2020) How a College Solved the Problem of Large-Scale Multi-Criteria Team Formation
- Matta, V., Babin, J., Beeler, L., Tittle, D., (2020). Online Food Delivery: How Do Service Failures Impact Behavioral Loyalty?
- Matta, V., Young, B., (2019). Using Goal Programming to Make Large Scale Heterogeneous Teams
- Matta, V., Frost, R. Kenyo, L., (2018). Plagerism Prevention in Excel Assignments
- Matta, V., Frost, R., Kenyo, L., (2018). Automated Grading, Analysis, and Feedback in Excel Assignments
- Matta, V., Vaghefi, I., Turel, O., Xiao, BS., (2018). DIGITAL DETOX? Understanding Users' Abstinence from Social Networking Sites Use
- Matta, V., Lucas, DJ., Triche, J., (2018). Designing an ARCS Based BI Course Without Losing Your Mind
- Matta, V., Frost, R., Kenyo, L., (2018). Automatic Grading and Formative Feedback in Excel with Plagerism Prevention.
- Matta, V., Chimeli, J., Frost, R., Moss, M., (2018). Partial Credit on Multiple-Choice Exams: Does it Help or Hurt Students?
- Matta, V., Frost, R., Fox, A., Pinney, R., (2017). Decomposing Poison Pill Reviews: A Dual Process Model Approach
- Frost, R., Matta, V., McIvor, E., 2015, Assessing the Efficacy of Incorporating Game Dynamics in a Learning Management System, Journal of Information Systems Education
- Matta, V., Frost, R., Maclvor, E., (2015). Assessing the Efficacy of Incorporating Game Dynamics in a Learning Management System
- Matta, V., (2013). Self-Selected Team Formation Using Sociometric Popularity Normalization
- Matta, V., Ferger, AR., (2012). Evaluating Variance in Cost-Benefit Perceptions of RFID Systems in the Supply Chain Sector
- Matta, V., Jeyaraj, A., (2012). An Exploration of Timing of Online Surveys on Respons Characteristics
- Matta, V., Koonce, D., Jeyaraj, A., (2012). Initiation, Experimentation, Implementation of Innovations: The Case for Radio Frequency Identification Systems, International Journal of Information Management
- Matta, V., Luce, T., Ciavarro, G., (2011). Exploring Impact of Self-selected Student Teams and Academic Potential on Student Satisfaction, Information Systems Education Journal
- Matta, V., Luce, T. (2011). Information Systems Education Journal. AITP, 4(1), 1-10.
- Luce, T., Matta, V., (2010). Academic Change Induced Calendar Change, Issues in Information Systems
- Matta, V. (2009). Defining the Antecedents of Adoption of RFID in the Supply Chain. Issues in Information Systems.
- Matta, V., Berisso, K., Brokaw, T. (2009). Prototyping for the Holy Grail of RFID: Return on Investments. Issues in Information Systems, X(2).
- Matta, V., Koonce, D. (2009). Semantic Breakdown of Functionality of RFID Technology to Support Application Development, Journal of Computer Information Systems, Spring 2009.
- Matta, V., Snitcher, L., (2007). Creating a Course in Business System Integration: Challenges and Lessons Learned, Issues in Information Systems
- McGann, S., Frost, R., Matta, V., Huang, W., (2007). Meeting the Challenge of IS Curriculum Modernization: A Guide to Overhaul, Integration, and Continuous Improvement, Journal of Information Systems Education
- Matta, V., Sormaz, D., (2006). Intelligent Information Systems, Quo Vadis?, Issues in Information Systems
- Matta, V., Moberg, C., (2006). The Development of a Research Agenda for RFID Adoption and Effectiveness in Supply Chains, Issues in Information Systems
- Luce, T., Matta, V., Brown, C., (2006). Developing a More Effective Course to Deliver CIS Education, Issues in Information Systems
- McGann, S., Frost, R., Matta, V., (2006). Meeting Dynamic IS Market Demands: Leveraging Consulting Practices to Guide Curriculum Reform, Issues in Information Systems
- Matta, V., Frost, R., and Huang, W, (2005). An Exploratory Investigation of the Effect on Learning Outcomes of Different Types of Presentation Handouts, Issues in Information Systems
- Koonce, D. and Matta, V., (2005). Resistance in Adoption of Radio Frequency Identification Systems in the Supply Chain Industry, Proceedings of IIE - Logistics and Inventory, May 2005
Awards & Recognition
- Industry Editor, Journal of IT & Case Application Research (2021-present)
- Co-Editor, Journal of IT & Case Application Research (2020-21)
- COB Faculty Excellence in Professional Activity & Service (2020)
- Senior Teaching Fellow, Bruning Academy (2015-16, 2020-21)
- Interim Chair, Faculty and Technology Advisory Group (2014)
- Acknowledged for Teaching by 帝王会所 State Senate (2014)
- Finalist for Presidential Teaching Award (2013)
- Qualtrics Brand Administrator for 帝王会所 U. (2012 - present)
- Senior Class Recognition Award (2010), College of Business, 帝王会所
- Best Research Poster Award - eBiz, ICIS (2010)
- Excellence in Teaching Award, (2009), College of Business, 帝王会所.
- Outstanding Educator Award, (2007), WPA, Greek community and the chapters of 帝王会所.
- Best Paper Award, IACIS 2006, Meeting Dynamic IS Market Demands: Leveraging Consulting Practises to Guide Curriculum Reform, Issues in Information Systems.
Dr. Matta is an associate professor of analytics and information systems at 帝王会所. He received his Ph.D. from the Russ College of Engineering and Technology in 2008. Matta teaches undergraduate and graduate level courses in business analytics, information systems analysis, systems development, and strategic use of information systems. He also conducts seminars in business consulting and project management in our executive education workshops. Matta is an accomplished teacher and has won several awards at the college and university. He publishes in pedagogy and consumer behavior and maintains editorial responsibilities with journals and conferences. He presents regularly at information systems conferences and is an active member of the Association of Information Systems.