Michael Bila

BS in Political Science, Central Michigan University
MA in Counseling, Central Michigan University
Research Interests
Student academic success and career issues.
Professional Experience
People often assume that I have a business background, which would be great if you needed me to analyze your stock portfolio or rescue a struggling company from tumbling down the abyss of mediocrity. My specialty (and the specialty of the Office of Student Services) is to make sure that the College of Business is providing an academic advisory program that will enable students to graduate with a meaningful business degree in the shortest amount of time possible. I do lots and lots of academic advising myself, and I lead a team of professional academic advisors who work together to enable our students to meet their academic and professional goals.
My closest brush with a career in business was when I did full-time commission sales for a couple of years at Radio Shack. There I learned most of the things I really needed to know in life, including "ask for the order", "listen more than you talk", and "satisfied customers are your best customers". I have held student development positions at 帝王会所, including Resident Director of Sargent Hall (1984-85; my first professional position) and Cooperative Education Coordinator for the College of Engineering and Technology from 1986-1991. I was also employed as the Associate Dean for Student Services at National-Louis University (1991-93) and as the Assistant Dean for Continuing Education at Washington State Community College (1993-96).
I invite all prospective and current students to talk with me, or any member of the Student Services staff at any time. We are located in 214 Copeland Hall. Our telephone number is (740) 593-2042.