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Bobcat Chats

Bobcat Chats

You have questions, and our Bobcat community has answers. Join OHIO students, faculty and alumni as they explore different academic concentrations and topics, and talk about how OHIO prepared them for a successful career.

Parents and students interested in 帝王会所 are encouraged to join the conversation during these live video streams on social media.

2020 Bobcat Chats

Scripps College of Communication

Alumna and OHIO Board of Trustees member, Eileen Sheil; class of 2020's Lauren Sheil; and Dr. Bob Stewart from Scripps College of Communication discuss how a college career at OHIO can set you on an upward trajectory for your future. 

Who should watch?

  • Students considering attending OHIO University, especially for a major in communications or journalism.
  • Parents of college-bound students who have questions about the college.
  • Anyone interested in the array of majors and minors offered through Scripps College.

College of Arts & Sciences

Alumna, Heather Tomlison, Director of Clinical Diagnostics at Promega Corporation; Stephen Bergmeier, Arts & Sciences Department Chair; Jennifer Hines, Professor of Chemistry and Biochemistry; and Jamey Seals, Class of 2021 and the 2020 Tong Forensic Chemistry Scholarship recipient discuss how OHIO's College of Art & Sciences offers students opportunities far beyond the classroom.

Who should watch?

  • Students considering attending OHIO University, especially for a major in chemistry, biochemistry, or forensic chemistry.
  • Parents of college-bound students who have questions about the college.
  • Anyone interested in the array of majors and minors offered through the College of Arts & Sciences.

Honors Tutorial College

Alumnus and member of the Emmy Award winning team for Game of Thrones, Thomas Wagener; HTC Associate Dean, Beth Nobak; and Elizabeth Coleman, Class of 2020 graduating with an Honors Tutorial Media Arts & Studies degree discuss what makes a degree from OHIO so valuable on your career trajectory and answer questions about HTC live.

Who should watch?

  • Students interested in the Honors Tutorial College.
  • Students considering attending OHIO University, especially for a major in music or media arts & studies.
  • Parents of college-bound students who have questions about the college.

College of Business

OHIO alumnus and Founder & CEO of eFuse, Matthew Benson along with Paul Benedict, the associate director for the Center for Entrepreneurship, and Natalie Sova, OHIO 2022 studying Health Services Administration and Business Analytics chat about their experiences with the College of Business. The panelists discuss all the ways OHIO will set you on a clear path toward your future and answer questions live from viewers about the real OHIO experience.

Who should watch?

  • Students considering attending OHIO University, especially for a major in entrepreneurship, health services administration, or business analytics.
  • Parents of college-bound students who have questions about the college.
  • Those interested in eSports.
  • Anyone interested in the array of majors and minors offered through the College of Business


Arieal Alanis, Assistant Professor Aerospace Studies; Captain Joshua Shaffer, Operations Flight Commander; MSgt Heather Sutton, NCOIC, AFROTC Detachment 650; and Carter Fee, OHIO 2021 AFROTC Upperclassman discuss the ROTC program at 帝王会所 and how it can help students succeed academically, physically and mentally.

Who should watch?

  • Students considering attending OHIO University, especially those interested in joining the ROTC program.
  • Parents of college-bound students who have questions about University College and/or the ROTC program.
  • Anyone interested in the array of majors and minors offered through University College.